C19 孩子們的最新作品, "A Birthday Present"--

          Linda is thinking about her mother. It's her mother's birthday. She wants to send her mother a nice birthday present.

          Linda goes to a pet shop. She sees a beautiful bird. The bird can sing, and it can speak seven languages! It costs fifty thousand dollars. Linda buys the bird and sends it to her mother.

          The next day Linda calls her mother on the telephone. "Mama," asks Linda, "do you like the bird?"

          "I'm eating it right now," her mother says. "It's delicious."         

C19 Vivian 作品

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C19 Cynthia 作品

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C19 Sara 作品

    創作者 allianceenglish 的頭像

    喬恩美語 Alliance English

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