C18 的孩子不僅在寫作方面有優異表現, 他們講笑話的功力也是一級棒! 這次老師把笑話和寫作結合在一起, 就是這一篇 "A Mean Boss":

There was a mean boss in a factory. His name was Tim. Tim liked to watch the workers. He wanted the workers to work hard.
       One morning Tim came to the factory at nine o'clock. A man called Julian was drinking coffee. Tim came back at nine thirty, Julian was still drinking coffee. Tim was angry. "How much do you make a week?" he asked Julian."Three hundred dollars," Julian said. Tim gave Julian three hundred dollars. "Take the money and get out of here!" he said.
       Then Tim asked another worker, Oscar. "What was that man's job?"
       "He doesn't work here,"  Oscar said. "He came to pick up a package."

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    喬恩美語 Alliance English

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